ISA – Master Plan for Front & Girard

ISA Masterplan Front & Girard


The Fishtown District is proud to be working with ISA Architects to create a Masterplan to ignite, beauty, and improve our commercial corridor while emphasizing the uniqueness of our neighborhood intersections and the need for connectivity and accessibility to and from the surrounding region.  Today, we help of the first of many stakeholder meetings to discuss concepts for the intersection of Front Street and Girard Avenue, with a goal to define the area, highlight its strengths and devise ways to enhance.  Kindly find the accompanying video and PowerPoint of today’s productive discussions.  We thank our affected stakeholders, elected officials, the Department of Streets, PennDOT, the 26th Police District, the 26th District PDAC, SEPTA, and the Mural Arts Program for your participation, help, and guidance.  We will be processing information gleaned from today’s session into our formal Masterplan.  Stay tuned for additional meetings for your area.

(click on the image below to see presentation)

ISA Proposal for Front & Girard


Randi Sherwood
Author: Randi Sherwood