Registered Community Organization (RCO)

The Fishtown Kensington Area Business Improvement District has been approved by the City of Philadelphia to become a Registered Community Organization (RCO)

The Fishtown Kensington Area Business Improvement District has been approved by the City of Philadelphia to become a Registered Community Organization (RCO), effective Monday, July 20, 2020.  We have begun to receive zoning notifications and special exception requests for properties that fall withing our geographic parameters.  The goal is allow our stakeholders to have a stronger voice in the development of our commercial corridor, while working with our fellow community partners/organizations to ensure that all voices are heard in a collaborative effort for productive and safe development .  Accordingly, the Fishtown District formed a Zoning Committee to review and make recommendations the Zoning Board of Adjustment (ZBA) on all relevant applications in our commercial corridor.


We are pleased to announce that we have finalized a Charter for the Fishtown District’s Zoning Committee (see attachment below) outlining our rules and voting procedures.  If you are a stakeholder within the Fishtown Kensington Area BID and wish to be part of our Zoning Committee, please contact our Executive Director, Marc D. Collazzo, at  For all pending zoning and special exception requests for our District, click to review the property, nature of the appeal, and hearing date.  Our Zoning Committee is holding all meetings virtually with applicants.


Come be part of making the changes we want to see in our world. For more information or to participate on the Zoning Committee contact or call 267-764-3724


Next RCO Community Meeting: May 19th at 10:00 AM

(Meetings are held every 2-weeks at 10 AM)
Addresses to be Heard:

Fishtown District Zoning Committee Charter