Fishtown Parking Information & Study

Fishtown Parking Information & Study


The Fishtown District and Fishtown Neighbors Association have worked tirelessly over the past three (3) years to investigate, explore ways to bring necessary parking relief to our commercial corridor, as well as to ensure continuous and necessary public outreach and education regarding same.  The Philadelphia Parking Authority (PPA) conducted studies in 2016, and 2021 of the busiest portions of our District, and, each time, strongly recommended the implementation of regulations to ensure the necessary turnover of spaces.  In addition, we held at least five (5) public meetings since 2021 to present these findings and gain community input.  As a result of this thorough engagement, on November 3, 2022, Council President, Darrell Clarke forwarded the attached correspondence to Linda Bradley of the Philadelphia Parking Authority (PPA), requesting the implementation of an eight (8) month pilot program for three (3) hour parking (without meters or kiosks) for designated portions of Frankford Avenue (Allen to Jefferson Streets), Girard Avenue (Marlborough to Front Street), and 1200-1350 North Front Street (West Girard to Thompson Street).  These regulations would also extend to the Municipal Parking Lot located at 1300-04 Frankford Avenue.

Please be advised that on or about  April 13, 2023, the PPA will begin installing notice signs in the designated areas of Frankford Avenue (Allen to Jefferson Streets), Girard Avenue (Marlborough to Front Street), and 1200-1350 North Front Street (West Girard to Thompson Street) to inform the public that the recommended parking regulations will take effect on May 8, 2023.  Kindly note that the PPA will issue warnings, or “Steer Clear” notices until May 8, 2023 to alert the public to the pending directives.  Please note that possession of a residential parking permit will override the regulations and allow you to park.  Kindly find the link below for the guidelines, and application, to obtain a residential parking permit from the City of Philadelphia:

We thank the Boards of the Fishtown Business Improvement District and Fishtown, Neighbors Association (FNA) for their support, as well as the time and efforts of Council President Clarke, his staff, and the representatives of the Philadelphia ParkingAuthority, for their efforts in ensuring that there was substantial neighborhood engagement (five virtual meetings, two (2) PPA parking studies from 2016 and 2021, and a public survey) and consensus for these measures.  The rules will help encourage parking turnover within these parts of our commercial corridor while decreasing the need of visitors to search for parking spaces on residential streets.  All parties and stakeholders believe that this will be a great first step in helping to create increased access to corridor parking, as well as relief for our District and surrounding residential streets.

Click below to read the official letter

Click to read study

2016 Fishtown Parking Study Data












Click to Read Study




PPA Summary of 2021